Monday, March 25, 2013

In what ways are your values and beliefs reflected in your role as instructor?

Think about a time when you felt that your behavior as an instructor was out of sync with your values and beliefs.  What did you do?  What did you feel?  In what ways are your values and beliefs reflected in your role as instructor?

I think we all have a moment as educators when we act out of character, against our values and beliefs.  Last semester I had an awful interaction with a student.  The student treated two of his classmates in a manner beyond unacceptable.  I reacted out of instinct and shock and yelled at the student to go to the office.  There was no calm discussion or clarification of rules and consequences, just pure anger.  The situation contradicted everything that I consider important in education.  I knew that I needed to do something to discuss my behavior with my students.   The next day we spend the class talking about courage and honor.  I told them that honor was doing the right thing even when it’s hard and that we all need to take responsibility for our actions.  It was important, that in front of my students, I take responsibility for losing my temper and discuss the appropriate way to respond to situations.  I think that taking responsibility and discussing issues with my students sets the example that I want them to follow.

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