Wednesday, January 30, 2013

First Day of EDL/500 Personal Leadership

Did I post too many times to the forums?  Very likely.  I am always so motivated to begin a new class that I tend to be a little zealous.  I've noticed that the forums for University of Phoenix seem to be more useful and interesting if students post frequently and on a regular basis.    When students stop responding to a certain thread it seems to die.  I might have overdone it but I think we've already started some very interesting conversations.

What is a teacher leader?

I am at the beginning of my master's program and that is the question I am asking myself.  What exactly is a teacher leader?  What are the responsibilities and qualities a teacher leader needs?  How do I become a teacher leader?  This blog will work as diary of my journey to become a teacher leader.  I hope that the my process of learning and sharing information will assist others in the journey to becoming teacher leaders.