Monday, February 25, 2013

How do I lead, and how do I need to lead?

I think I would identify myself as a transformational leader.  I tend to focus on big ideas and think more about long term success in our curriculum than the day to day running of the school.  While these leadership type is important, right now my school needs more.  We have undergone mass amounts of change and our students and teachers would benefit from an influx of stable, transactional, leadership.  Big ideas and goals are important but teachers need an environment where that type of education is possible.

1 comment:

  1. Amie,
    We have undergone mass amounts of change too in my school district. It sounds like ours are the opposite. Right now we have many transactional leaders who have cut off the great visionaries in the district. This has stifled some of the thinking outside the box activities. The effort to make every one equal has limited staff input and made people very grumpy. I agree there needs to be a balance of some kind to be the most productive.
